On Friday, the globe hit 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees) above pre-industrial levels for the first time in recorded history

  • @[email protected]
    -28 months ago

    I didn’t. Maybe I’m wrong, but I didn’t see anybody in the present thread talk about “one segment of the population.”

    they’re not talking about it. tehy’re talknig to it. they’re literally propagandizing english-speaking fediverse users to stop procreating.

    • F_Haxhausen
      38 months ago

      What is so terrible about not reproducing?

      Nothing. Nothing at all.

      I didn’t reproduce. And all I feel is relief. I am happy that I had no children. They won’t have to suffer in this hell of a world.

      • F_Haxhausen
        18 months ago

        You can still have ethics with no freewill.

        You just can’t freely choose your ethics.

        • F_Haxhausen
          18 months ago

          Thank you for reminding me of the pointlessness of talking to human beings.

        • F_Haxhausen
          18 months ago

          I am not a eugenicist. Eugenicists think the world or people can be improved. I do not think the world or existence can be improved. I do not think humans can be improved.

          If you really are a “commie” (like your username) then you think the world and humans, or the system can be improved. You have more in common with eugenics than I do.

          Also, I am not a misanthrope. I do not hate human beings. I just think existence is an inescapable horror, that can never be fixed. That human beings and other animals suffer constantly.

          But I am in the minority in my views. I am in an infinitesimally small minority.

          You and the rest of humanity go on without me. I have no interest in the future. Or any of the innumerable schemes for utopia paradise: not christian/religious, not communist, not capitalist, not back to nature, not transhumanist, not satanic, not materialist, not idealist.

          People will do what they always do. I have no interest. We are all aimed at non-existence and there is nothing that can be done about that.

          I go delete all my replies now.

            • F_Haxhausen
              18 months ago

              Because I can see clearly that non-existence is better than existence.

              • @[email protected]
                18 months ago

                this sounds like you might be suicidal. I hope that you’re not. if you are I hope you can get some help. I hope you don’t kill yourself.

                • F_Haxhausen
                  28 months ago

                  Every single thing is aimed at non-existence. I’m just ahead of the curve and happy about it.

                  I can’t kill myself. I promised someone that I wouldn’t leave them all alone in this horror-hell world. Otherwise, all bets are off.

                  I don’t see it as help to force people to be miserable.

                  The only good things are non-existent things. All things that exist are evil, everything in the universe. It is impossible to avoid harming humans and non-human animals.

                  Non-existence is the only happiness and paradise.

                  • @[email protected]
                    18 months ago

                    I hope you develop some self-love. truly. I find your last few comments quite tragic. I wish there were something I could do for you.