The short trains are kind of hilarious but the ride looks great. I’m so glad to see this ride was saved from being scrapped.

  • @Butter_catbear
    31 year ago

    Is there a reason for the short trains or was it always that way?

    • Bob K MertzOPM
      21 year ago

      It ran with 5 cars in Mexico but I believe the trains may be from Mindbender (GalaxyLand) which ran with 3. Both source rides had accidents due to poor maintenance so it may be an issue of just not having enough parts to build a full 5 car train but also could be in the interest of reducing forces. I don’t know any of this for certain but just some somewhat-educated speculation. I think the biggest reason why it looks so weird is because the default image of those trains typically relates more to the park installations like SooperDooperLooper.