Had a laugh when I saw this post, he was constantly defending himself in the comments as if the US army owns the word “veteran”

  • cobysev
    571 year ago

    As a veteran of the US Air Force, I can say that veteran is not exclusively a military term. You can be a veteran of any field, hobby, or activity if you’ve been there a while and are experienced.

    We always get these people who might have served for a single enlistment (4-6 years), then make the rest of their life about their military service. It’s really cringey and they don’t deserve half the respect they think they’re entitled to. Your life shouldn’t be defined by a few years in a particular role.

    (Hint: no one is entitled to respect. Respect is earned.)

    For the record, I spent 20 years working an IT job in the military, mostly out of harm’s way. I feel weird when people try to thank me for my service. I didn’t really do anything worth thanking. Save it for people who laid down their lives in your defense. Most of us don’t actually experience that level of responsibility and hardship in our service; a lot of service members tend to have a pretty quiet career.

    • edric
      51 year ago

      Hey, so I’m curious. Have you ever been to sports games or other events where they ask veterans to stand up to be recognized? Do you participate? And if you do, has anyone sitting close by asked you what you did in the military? What was their reaction when you say you were a non-comabatant? Just curious really, I mean no disrespect.

      • cobysev
        71 year ago

        I don’t usually participate in these kind of events. Those closest to me know my service experiences and that’s usually good enough for me. I don’t feel right being publicly acknowledged and/or thanked by strangers. There are far more deserving people.

        But my prior service does occasionally come up in social circles. I actually had a doctor ask me this morning what kind of work I did, and he was somewhat familiar with it, as his son in-law served in the Navy in a technical field like mine.

        Most of the time, when I tell people I was in the Air Force, the first question people ask is, “What planes did you fly?” It blows their minds when I tell them I don’t know anything about planes; that my job was to fix computers. Not even computers on airplanes, just regular ol’ desktop computers, servers, laptops, etc. Anything that touches a computer network.

        Only 5% of the Air Force are pilots. The other 95% of Airmen work in jobs either directly or indirectly supporting those pilots. We have a lot of generic job fields you might find in the civilian sector: mechanics, police, doctors, lawyers, cooks, firemen, chaplains, etc. All have a critical role to fill that ensure our ultimate flying missions are accomplished.

        So yeah, there are a lot of people in the military who work a job that doesn’t put them anywhere near the front lines of war. In some careers, your job is the exact same as the civilian sector, except that you have to wear a military uniform while doing it.