• @[email protected]
    5210 months ago

    Musk is a scumbag from the get-go.

    If he didn’t want to support his kids he never should have had any.

    Wearing a condom isn’t that hard to do.

    • @cmbabul
      5710 months ago

      He’s a giant selfish piece of shit with a messiah/god complex who was born on third with Hank Aaron at bat, any sane society would’ve dropped him into the deep wilderness with a bindle a decade ago. I hope he takes up submarining

      • @AbidanYre
        10 months ago

        Between the space travel and brain implants, his own companies have plenty of good options besides submarining.

        • @cmbabul
          1310 months ago

          Unfortunately I think he’s too much of a coward to go first on any of those himself, probably for my suggestion too, I hope he proves me wrong with the brain implants and then something doesn’t go terribly wrong with the inputs to the pain centers of his brain

          • @AbidanYre
            310 months ago

            You’re probably right, but we can dream.

        • @cmbabul
          510 months ago

          I know I was trying to imply overkill

    • @RozhkiNozhki
      2110 months ago

      Iirc he believes that it’s his duty to procreate and produce as many white people as possible to prevent replacement.

      • @SocialMediaSettler
        710 months ago

        And yet he’s too lazy to give his “awesome Aryan super race” kids half decent names. And even his Dad was a technocrat nazi who despised the peasants. The gene pool behind this fucker should have been laid to waste a long time ago. Absolute parasite.

      • @NotMyOldRedditName
        10 months ago

        The replacement part is bullshit made up to hate.

        He thinks EVERYONE needs to have more kids as the world is going to run into major problems with population decline, like is happening In Japan if trends continue.

        I don’t agree with him, but he is advocating for everyone, not white people.

        Edit: and he has talked about this many times, it’s not new.

          • @NotMyOldRedditName
            -310 months ago

            But less people means not enough people to support the layer of pyramid above it.

            That’s it isn’t it?

            Who’s going to pay for those millions of vacant apartments, and who’s going to support the elderly if there’s not enough people?

            Like it or not, there will be a disruption from it if its too sudden, but I don’t see it as the dire thing that he seems to think it is. It’ll eventually sort itself out and we’ll be better for it.

              • @NotMyOldRedditName
                10 months ago

                I agree, we can’t grow forever, I just also think there will be consequences to a declining population, but thats okay, and we’ll get through it. The more gradual we can decline the smoother it’ll be.

                Continuing our growth would just be worse in the end.

                  • @NotMyOldRedditName
                    10 months ago

                    It’s just what you said.

                    When there isn’t enough people to support the people above them problems start.

                    Making sure pensions still function properly, having enough health care providers, property values might plummet which in turn impacts retirement for those who have part of their savings in their house (e.g downsizing no longer provides enough funds)

                    Economic output will drop short of advancements in robots and AI which means there will be less money to support existing infrastructure that was built for all these people. What happens if Japan can no longer fund and maintain their bullet trains due to reduced ridership? They’d start with reduced trains, but that means less money so they get reduced further and further as the population drops. You’ve gone from a once highly connected area to a poorly connected area and that has its own consequences.

                    Japan is propping up their problem with immigration, but if the trend happens globally, that isn’t an actual viable solution. Somewhere some country will be in a deficit, people get convinced go to wherever the better place is hastening that places decline.

                    It’ll be a lot of things like that which will cause turmoil and disruption, but it’s not some end of civilization problem.

                    We’re experiencing a similar problem due to the baby boomers in terms of Healthcare right now. There’s so many of them compared to the younger generations that its taking a toll on things and it’s going to continue to take a toll and we don’t have enough younger doctors to nurses to deal with that.

                    People are upset, people are angry.

                    But we’ll go on. Its not the end.

                • @SocialMediaSettler
                  210 months ago

                  With the way some country leaders talk about using nuclear weapons these days (Russia and now Israel), it won’t be a gradual decline in world population but a rapid one.

                  • @NotMyOldRedditName
                    10 months ago

                    Is Russia’s even gradual the way their throwing people in the meat grinder right now?

    • @paultimate14
      910 months ago

      Its even crazier than that.

      With his first wife, their first child died of sides and they actively used IVF. They then had a set of twins and a set of triplets (I’m assuming they were all via IVF, but I’m not sure). One of those children is the estranged trans person who changed their last name.

      His two children with Grimes (including the one this article is about) were via surrogate.

      He’s not just refusing to wear a condom. He’s a lively spending thousands of dollars, and women are undergoing surgery, in order to have children for him to neglect. It’s bizarre.

      • @Illuminostro
        710 months ago

        I’m convinced that it’s some transhumanist scheme to download his consciousness into one of his brood via the Neuralink bullshit.

      • @[email protected]
        410 months ago

        He’s had more since …

        Twins with Neuralink director of operations and special projects Shivon Zilis in November 2021.

        A third child with Grimes, named Techno Mechanicus, according to a book review published by the New York Times on Sept. 9, 2023.

        • @paultimate14
          310 months ago

          Oh thank you. I was not including the naturally conceived children. But I see now that this article is about Techno Mechanics, whose details are less publicly available.

          Although if Grimes has been pregnant in public I’m sure some gossip magazines would have reported on it.

        • @interceder270
          010 months ago

          Damn. What is it about Elon that makes him attractive to so many women?

    • @interceder270
      610 months ago

      Or else what?

      What consequences does he face other than people on the internet calling him mean names?

      Morals are for poor people. They’re the only ones who suffer consequences for not having them.