    147 months ago

    What happened with her? She seemed okay when she was running a few elections ago and had some support, but then went a bit off and I stopped following her.

        • @stevehobbes
          107 months ago

          Excellent rebuttal backed with facts.

            • @stevehobbes
              57 months ago

              You could have asked them for a source then instead of doing something as useless?

              • @[email protected]
                -77 months ago

                I didn’t. I refuted it with just as strong a claim as they made. if you think you can get them to provide a source, go for it. I happen to know it’s untrue, so I don’t care to bicker with them about it.

                • @stevehobbes
                  37 months ago

                  I mean…. She did go to a gala celebrating the 10th anniversary of Russia Today, which is state controlled propaganda.

      • @goldenlocks
        -537 months ago

        Source: your ass

        All you liberals have is a picture of her at a table with Putin as if Democrats you vote for haven’t sat at a table with Putin before

        • https://www.politico.com/story/2017/09/26/facebook-russia-trump-sanders-stein-243172

          It’s a well-established fact that a part of her social media campaign was funded by the Russians.

          To be clear: I’m not saying she necessarily did all this in cahoots with Putin. Russia funded divisive ads that boosted Sanders too. Regardless, Sanders quit the race whilst Stein did not. That means she acted as a spoiler candidate, where a vote for her means it’s more likely that a republican candidate wins instead, instead of the democrat candidate that a green voter is likely more aligned with. It’s an unfortunate effect of the two-party system. Nonetheless, those effects are well-known and Stein had a snowball’s chance in hell of getting elected. She knew this, but decided to remain on the ballot anyway. Her candidacy therefore did help Trump win the election.

          • @goldenlocks
            -77 months ago

            Did you even read the article? Facebook presented no proof of this and you just take it as fact.

          • @[email protected]
            7 months ago

            Sanders quit the race whilst Stein did not. That means she acted as a spoiler candidate, where a vote for her means it’s more likely that a republican candidate wins instead,

            i can do this too!

            Sanders quit the race whilst Clinton did not. That means she acted as a spoiler candidate, where a vote for her means it’s more likely that a republican candidate wins instead, instead of the green candidate that a democrat voter is likely more aligned with.

        • Flying Squid
          127 months ago

          as if Democrats you vote for haven’t sat at a table with Putin before

          Such as? Apart from, you know, people who were president and were doing it because presidents generally meet other world leaders?

            • Flying Squid
              117 months ago

              So the U.S. Secretary of State met with a world leader?

              You do know Anthony Blinken does that all the time, right?

              That’s not a very good example.

              • @goldenlocks
                -117 months ago

                No you don’t get it she’s sitting near Putin so she’s working for him

                • Flying Squid
                  57 months ago

                  What are you talking about? I never said anything about working for Putin.

                  • @goldenlocks
                    -37 months ago

                    I did. I have proof Hilary is working for Putin, the evidence is obvious, look how close they’re sitting

            • RubberStuntBaby
              27 months ago

              You’re pretending that meeting with Putin as part of her official duties is the same as associating with him socially.

              • @goldenlocks
                -47 months ago

                Explain what the event was and how it proves Jill Stein is working for Putin. You can’t.

                • @[email protected]
                  7 months ago

                  IIRC the event was literally an RT conference promoting how RT signal boosted “real change” candidates, coincidentally at the same time as an American politician that Putin had personally nursed a grudge against was running while associated with the establishment line.

                  IE, “We’re here today to celebrate our alliance of making sure anyone but Hillary is able to win!”

          • @[email protected]
            -107 months ago

            she’s a presidential candidate. i don’t think there is a meaningful difference in stature, but there is in substance: she never exchanged a word with him or shook his hand, unlike the fascists and fascist-enablers you’re defending.

            • osarusan
              37 months ago

              Wow. She somehow got herself a seat at Putin’s table, then she sat down quietly, politely ate her sandwich, then got up and left without ever saying a word or interacting with the people at the table?

              How unlucky she must have felt to find herself such an awkward situation. Egg on her face and all that.

                • osarusan
                  7 months ago

                  I see. So Putin sat down at her table, uninvited, didn’t introduce himself, she didn’t comment on it, then he, Michael Flynn, and all the others finished their sandwiches and left Jill Stein in peace to eat her lunch alone.

                  I can see how that absolves her. But man, what a shitty thing to happen to someone when they just want to enjoy their soup and crackers in peace. With this one little social faux pas, Putin made millions of people across the country believe she was his stooge.

                  When she becomes president, what do you think she is going to do to retaliate against Putin for fucking her image so bad?

                  • @[email protected]
                    07 months ago

                    I imagine shed be focused on meaningful issues, not chasing down Rachel Maddie’s Boogeyman.

            • @[email protected]
              7 months ago

              Her job at this time was to lead the foreign relations of the US. This job entails meeting many years of state who the US has serious disagreement with. It is a part of the job. This is not at all the same as going to dinner for fun

              • @goldenlocks
                -37 months ago

                No you don’t get it, look how close they are, the closer they are the more corrupt