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I’m right there with you on that one, they generally start with something mildly funny, then just carry the joke on until it’s wrecked. But I very much enjoyed this video!
Maybe, but I think it’s just they think keeping a joke going until it’s unfunny is in of it self… funny. Family Guy also LOVED doing the same thing. I also get the impression that Aunty Donna is really just made up the guys you see in it, so they probably have some strong creative control.
I’m right there with you on that one, they generally start with something mildly funny, then just carry the joke on until it’s wrecked. But I very much enjoyed this video!
Agreed. They are funny guys which makes me think there’s something sinister going on in the background, like an evil, unfunny producer or something.
Maybe, but I think it’s just they think keeping a joke going until it’s unfunny is in of it self… funny. Family Guy also LOVED doing the same thing. I also get the impression that Aunty Donna is really just made up the guys you see in it, so they probably have some strong creative control.