At least for the next few years, I am pretty firm on needing a jack on my device.

I am currently using an LG v60, and while nice, it’s starting to show its age.

Any suggestions on where to go next?

I was looking at the ROG phone, and while it does seem very nice, I feel like it is a bit much as I don’t game on my device at all.

Are there any good phones I should be looking at?


  • Hydroel
    11 year ago

    My A50s does, I think Good Lock generally supports all OneUI Galaxy phones.

    I am due for an update of that phone but I’ll cling to it for a little longer. The battery is probably at half the capacity it use to have, the USB-C slot has become flimsy and the chip was never great to begin with, but I haven’t found a convincing form factor yet (compact, lowish price, micro-SD and headphone jack for under 400€).