and no one irl even has the decency to agree with me because it’s so fucking drilled into the culture that these fucking BuNsInNesSes have a Right to do this because it’s a bSUsniEss. like oh yeah they have an office building so they definitely get to analyze my piss because they say they want to. sick fucking freaks.

preaching to the choir a bit on lemmy (or i would hope so at least) but still

  • @BigT54
    37 months ago

    Do companies really drug test office workers? I’m in the US, work in an office and have never been drug tested by any company I’ve worked for in the last 10 years

    • GladiusB
      27 months ago

      They are moving away from it. As they should. Most alcoholics and drug addicts are people that have the money to do so. Meaning they already work somewhere and haven’t been tested in ages. At least in my observation. There are the homeless with those issues, but I don’t think they are the ones applying to most jobs that are being talked about here.