I know people who only poop at home. I can’t imagine being out in space for years. With holodeck technology… Someone is bound to have written a program that simulated their bathroom at home.
I know people who only poop at home. I can’t imagine being out in space for years. With holodeck technology… Someone is bound to have written a program that simulated their bathroom at home.
It’s a matter assembler disassembler. Should be perfect for it.
On the other hand people wear costumes to the holodeck so I’m not sure.
It’s holograms and force fields, that’s why if you take anything out of the holodeck it disappears.
Unless it’s snow obviously. I suppose that might have been actually replicated.
I think that’s more so they can be prepared to get into character before they go into the simulation. Less to do with the need for the costume.