stolen from linux memes at Deltachat

  • UnfortunateShort
    10 months ago

    It is actually very easy:

    1. You setup auto-snapshots (almost trivial)
    2. You update
    3. Evaluate
      3.1) Repeat goto 2
      3.2) Rollback goto 2

    The only problem here is that snapshots (and btrfs for that matter) are not the default behaviour. I would really appreciate Endeavour having this as the default setup. It is very likely what you’d want.

    • @Sanyanov
      10 months ago

      True, but if snapshots turn from first line of catastrophe response to a regular tool, this is not a good experience.

      Also I believe Garuda has enabled snapshots and btrfs by default.

      • UnfortunateShort
        110 months ago

        Yes, Garuda does, even with bootable snapshots, but it’s otherwise not as clean as Endeavour. As far as I can tell, mkinitcpio/GRUB2 or their setup thereof causes more problems than it solves. My system was bricked multiple times until I switched to a dracut/systemd-boot setup, which works flawlessly since quite a while.

        As for the user experience, there are 0 distros you should perform a (major) upgrade on without taking a snapshot first. I had broken systems after apt upgrade. From my point of view rolling vs versioned release are basically occasional mild vs scheduled huge headaches.