The rulings in Maryland and Oregon come amid a shifting legal landscape in the wake of a Supreme Court decision that has imposed new limits on gun regulation.

In the wake of a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision last year that significantly limits what the government can do to restrict guns, states led by Democrats have scrambled to circumvent or test the limits of the ruling. A few have approved new gun restrictions. Oregon even passed a ballot initiative to ban high-capacity ammunition magazines.

But this week, supporters of the new gun measures suffered a pair of setbacks, underscoring the rippling effect of the court’s decision.

On Tuesday, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in Richmond, Va., ruled that a 10-year-old Maryland law related to licensing requirements for handguns was unconstitutional.

  • @stevestevesteve
    510 months ago

    What a lot of whataboutism. I’m against all of that, too, but I can also be against limits on my rights of self defense.

    • Flying Squid
      -110 months ago

      So do you vote for the people who promise to protect your gun rights at all cost or do you vote for the people who feel there needs to be sensible gun regulations?

      • @stevestevesteve
        310 months ago

        I don’t vote for the people you’re talking about

        • Flying Squid
          -210 months ago

          What is the point of voting for anyone else? What do you achieve?

          • @stevestevesteve
            410 months ago

            What’s the point of voting for the two choices you hate when there are other choices?

            • Flying Squid
              -610 months ago

              Because those are the only two choices that have a chance of winning. Now please answer my question. What are you achieving?

              • @stevestevesteve
                810 months ago

                A better question is what are you achieving? Voting against your own interests