It’s time for the original sound based frame, the main cause of integer overflow damage numbers - Banshee!

Release date: 2013-03-18

Passive:All of Banshee’s equipped weapons, including Gunblades such as Redeemer, and weapons equipped on Sentinels should they be present, are treated as silent.
Sonic Boom - Banshee emits a sonic shockwave that pushes targets in range with enough force to incapacitate or kill attackers.
Sonar - Using acoustic location, Banshee’s Sonar power finds and tracks enemies, and exposes critical weak spots to everyone in your squad.
Silence - Using Silence surrounds Banshee in an aura that stuns enemies and will limit their perceptions and tactical response to gunfire and Warframe attacks.
Sound Quake - Channeling all of her acoustic energy into the environment, Banshee uses ultrasonic reverberations to violently shake the ground.

Acquisition: Banshee’s blueprints can be researched from the Tenno Lab in the Dojo.

  • @CheeseNoodle
    41 year ago

    You are a treasure for doing these each week.

    • KeegenOP
      31 year ago

      Thanks! It means a lot to see that. I like revisiting and discussing some of these old frames I haven’t touched in a while and seeing other people’s perspectives on them. And with the pace we’re going at, we’ll be having these weekly for almost a year! Turns out Warframe has a lot of warframes!