Article: DeSantis “did almost nothing” to stop violent Florida Nazis

  • mo_ztt ✅
    1 year ago

    The article Trump reposted is actually a bit more on-the-nose and a bit weirder than that.

    From the letter:

    Trump has never let us down.

    I wrote this while just down the street a group of my fellow Americans openly rallied for the death of my children. Just two miles from where Ron DeSantis lives.

    There is one man I know who can bring this to an end. I know this because I don’t have to trust his words.

    I can remember his acts.

    There is no choice - we must return Donald Trump to the Oval Office. For Israel. For Jews. For America. And for the World.

    From the article:

    In the Trump-posted article, Fine said he was recently attacked by a Nazi in Florida on video. Fine commented, “In Ron DeSantis’ Florida, that’s no big deal,” implying DeSantis is to blame for not dealing with Florida’s Nazi problem.

    Fine then explained as a Jewish legislator, he originally backed DeSantis, supporting his causes and writing all of DeSantis’ legislation regarding Jewish issues. Fine has now openly switched to Trump, citing a disappointment with DeSantis over a number of issues. “His actions have broken my heart,” wrote Fine.

    I have some bad news for you about Trump, my guy.