Looking for a good, not too difficult, single player FPS that gets right into the action without too many story requirements, and is a lot of fun, and is not Borderlands (because I have played them all). EDIT: Forgot to mention I am looking for PS4, XBOX One X, or XBOX Series X. Thanks!

  • all-knight-party
    910 months ago

    I’d say the Halo MCC provided you skip all the cutscenes. Still super fucking fun games and the challenge depends on the difficulty setting

    • DominusOfMegadeusOP
      510 months ago

      Sadly I have played them all. Certainly not as they came out. I am definitely not that old. Definitely not.

      • all-knight-party
        410 months ago

        Oh, me too, but I go back and replay them every couple years, there’s still nothing quite like them. Super fun shooters but there’s enough time to kill and weapon variety to make it interesting and strategic

      • @[email protected]
        310 months ago

        Damned young whippersnappers. Back in my day you get touched by an enemy and you died. Then die a few more times and you have to start the game all over again. A game save meant you hit pause, shut the TV down, and hoped it didn’t freeze up while you were gone.