Sweden’s parliament has voted to change its 100% renewable target to a 100% fossil-free target, leaving the door open for nuclear.

  • @NakedSphynxPotato
    1 year ago

    I admit I may be wrong regarding the plans of opening new reactors, but saying that Sweden is sufficient with its own energy production throughout the whole year and to not call the move to close down the reactors we had running a failure is just sticking ones head in the sand.

    Sweden does indeed produce and export a lot of electricity, that is not a lie, but when the cold harsh winters roll around and our own usage skyrockets we don’t produce enough to even fulfill our own needs. Knocked out over a full year we produce more than we import, 25TWh net according to Vattenfall.


    En elimport som ungefär motsvarar vad tre kärnkraftsreaktorer hade producerat under en timme om de var i full drift. Så stort var behovet från utlandet när efterfrågan på el var som störst den gångna vintern, enligt Svenska kraftnät. Hade inte svenskarna dragit ner på förbrukningen hade det kunnat bli kritiskt. TT/Ny teknik https://www.nyteknik.se

    Rekordstor import och sparande räddade svenskarna från elkris