I’ve been waiting for a beta of the Debian-based version. The Ubuntu-based version seemed to run reasonably well on my old Thinkpad T460, but I didn’t try too much serious stuff on it that I don’t already do on regular Debian with Distrobox.
I tried it briefly, but it doesn’t/didn’t support disk encryption. For my laptop this is a must, so I’ll wait until it is implemented and out of alpha.
Has anyone used Vanilla OS here? It seems really interesting, would like to get some opinions.
I’ve been waiting for a beta of the Debian-based version. The Ubuntu-based version seemed to run reasonably well on my old Thinkpad T460, but I didn’t try too much serious stuff on it that I don’t already do on regular Debian with Distrobox.
I tried it briefly, but it doesn’t/didn’t support disk encryption. For my laptop this is a must, so I’ll wait until it is implemented and out of alpha.