I didn’t realize Deadpool 3 is the only movie next year. Should be sweet!

Also I’m trying new shorthand for “community,” let’s see how it plays out.

  • @harry_balzac
    141 year ago

    Loki was excellent. I’ve been meaning to go see The Marvels (and Napoleon) but weather and family have conspired against me.

    I’m looking forward to What If S2 and Echo. The trailer for Echo was excellent - looks like violence is back on the menu.

    I’m not a fan boy though I do try to catch the film releases in theaters. They’re not all great movies but even the worst ones are still good.

    After having watched The Flash, I’ll probably not complain about Marvel CGI for a few more months. Plus, they unionized so that should help.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Don’t pay too much attention to the Marvels detractors. I went this last week for my birthday and it was a lot of fun.

      This was pretty visible in Ms. Marvel, but Marvels cements that Iman Vellani is as inspired of casting as any of the early avengers. Carol gets a bit more of a chance to become more in touch with the humanity she’s lost. (I don’t disagree that she felt a bit wooden in Captain Marvel, but I thought it worked for her journey. Sort of like the opposite of Dr. Manhattan loosing his humanity). Monica gets the short shrift in character development, but she still has a few good moments, she suffers because of the short run time, she’s not given as much room to bloom with the other leads. The return of Goose is a lot of fun.