Wooo, looks like DPReview have been saved. Has anyone heard of Gear Patrol though?

Feels odd that such an instituition of the web needs stewardship by a lesser-known entity.

  • HidingCatOP
    12 years ago

    Wow, 15 years is a good time, I’m not sure how so many people like me never heard of them, yet they’ve grown big enough to own DPReview. Must be a really good ad team behind them as well.

    And I know many like Chris and Jordan, but I’m not really a video guy; I prefer reading to watching vids usually. Videos have to have something that takes advantage of the medium to make me want to watch it (video tests, audio tests, etc).

    • Teal
      22 years ago

      While I don’t know much about Gear Patrol’s business side, you’re correct, they are doing something right to be able to buy DPReview. I’ve heard they have similar web traffic compared to PetaPixel (this info is from a recent PetaPixel podcast) and that the owner of Gear Patrol is a fan of DPReview. I hope their words hold true, existing staff remains and the site continues as usual.

      I agree with you about the written articles vs video reviews in general.

      • HidingCatOP
        22 years ago

        That does sound like good news! I hope they’ll continue to do well, maybe expand DPReview a bit in the best case scenario.