Some mix of wrong and right, the exact proportions of which I’ll leave as an exercise to the reader.

  • liara
    2 years ago

    Stable is quite fresh as of 16 days ago. Debian’s release cycle isn’t exactly 2 years (like Ubuntu), but it’s pretty darn close. The only thing Ubuntu really has going for it in terms of additional user-friendliness are PPAs and some additional things like newer versions of GCC as your fingertips. 3rd party software frequently maintain repos for both Debian and Ubuntu though, so compatibility itself is rarely ever a concern.

    That said, it’s not worth having Canonical injecting their corporate opinion in my server or desktop environments and prefer the more community oriented approach that Arch and Debian take. That said, I don’t consider Debian to be an exceptional desktop oriented distro, but if we’re talking enterprise-oriented workloads, we’re typically discussing server appliances, which is where Debian excels over Ubuntu, imo.

    • warmaster
      2 years ago

      I absolutely agree on Canonical, and how they turned out to be. I don’t want anything of what they try to force down my throat. I don’t want Snaps, Ads, crazy stuff like Amazon (WTF!?) or crap like that in my distro.

      Regarding Stable, before Debian 12, it was very old. I can’t adjust to their release cycle. Not on my desktop. Although on a server, It’s totally the way to go. I’m planning on installing Proxmox on my homelab, which is based on Debian.