A little different post this time, not a news article or anything. Just some excellent points made here.

  • @karobeccary
    21 year ago

    Handguns are the primary killer and its inner city youth killing each other.

    How would you solve this state of affairs?

    • NeuromancerM
      -11 year ago

      In all fairness I don’t have an answer. It’s a tough problem to solve that’s tied to culture.

      My gut reaction is to increase the number of police on the streets as they did in the 90’s when we had a rapid decrease in murders. Studies are mixed is that really helped. That was part of Joe Biden plan to decrease crime the 90’s.

      Joe also worked to increase prison time but once again studies are mixed is that worked.

      What we do know is the in the 90’s we had a sharp decline and I do think that should be studied. We need to really learned what did and didn’t help.

      I am not a fan of Joe Biden. I think he’s a racist but he did push tough on crime measures in the 90’s. The question is did that really cause the decline or was it something else.

      • @karobeccary
        21 year ago

        Maybe we should look to what other developed countries have done to reduce gun crime? Like you, I am at a loss, but others seem to have managed it, so in lieu of a homegrown solution, perhaps someone else has a solution to the problem.

        I am also no fan of Joe Biden, he pushed for that awful racist crime bill in 1994. I mean crime was already decreasing due to a variety of measures and here he come with this truly awful bill and sets us back so far due to its unequal policing and persecution of racial minorities.

        Then again, there are a great many people today who are still pushing for those provably damaging policies to be continued or even expanded. I truly hope those people begin to learn that it is helping people rather than persecuting minorities which will improve things for all of us!

        • NeuromancerM
          11 year ago

          Other countries disarmed their population and took away their rights. That doesn’t interest me.

          We should do what has worked in the past. If that is more police and longer jail sentences, as Biden claims then let’s do it. I have no issue keeping criminals in prison.

          The 1994 crime bill wasn’t racist. That is an odd thing to say. Can you point to where the law was racist?

        • @[email protected]
          -31 year ago

          Maybe we should look to what other developed countries have done to reduce gun crime

          Why should I give a fuck about gun crime, a category solely defined by the use of guns, rather than violence as a whole, which gun control has repeatedly proven to have no statistical impact on?