• NeuromancerM
    010 months ago

    Three Mile Island is a sign of success. There was very little damage outside of the reactor. It could have been much worse and we have 40 years of reactor experience behind us. We have successfully run hundreds of reactors in our Naval Fleet with no major issues. To me that is validation nuclear is the way to go.


    Here is some Oregon history for you, Oregon use to have many canneries in Astoria and other parts of Oregon. The Salmon were plentiful and it provided a fish for all the canneries.

    Between overfishing and the dams, there are now zero canneries in Oregon. Bumble Bee Food started in Oregon canning Salmon.

    • @karobeccary
      10 months ago

      Do all successful reactors melt down? Sorry that wasn’t fair, but I think you can agree that a melt down can hardly be considered a success just because it didn’t fail as badly as Chornobyl :D

      Nuclear Power is generally safe, on this we agree, I just think you are letting your feelings about the scary soviets affect your opinions about what was a genuinely sad event which should not be made light of.

      Overfishing does not sound like salmon ladders failing to me, it sounds like a very obvious failure of capitalism and the greed it inevitably engenders. Have a great night <3