• Echo Dot
    10 months ago

    Obviously these guys are idiots, but it would be nice if I had a better idea of what my taxes are actually going to pay for, because I do sometimes think they just vanish into the void and I never see the benefit from them, so I kind of get where they’re coming from

    • @Pohl
      10 months ago

      If you live in the US: https://www.usaspending.gov/

      If not, search for a “your country budget breakdown”. Most democratic nations will have a similar publication.

      My take after looking it over, it’s boring. We spend money on medical care, defense, and interest payments. That’s where most all of the money goes. The benefits we receive from that money are things we completely take for granted, it’s easy to not notice them but you sure would notice if it stopped.

    • @[email protected]
      910 months ago

      your username suggests you’re in the UK.

      So a) you already get a breakdown of NI contributions etc in you paystub and you can further check this on HMRC

      and b) the house of Commons publishes everything tax related here: https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/topic/economy-business/work-incomes/tax/

      and c) there is Wall to Wall coverage of the budget every year, highlighted by the traditional annual photos of the chancellor of the exchequer and his red briefcase, in mid March when the tax year ends

    • emmanuel_car
      610 months ago

      In Australia we get a receipt with our tax return that breaks down exactly where our tax dollars went. The same happens in France if I remember correctly, it’s pretty cool to see it and puts some of the spending into perspective