Not sure if this is the best place for it, but here we are. The Indeed listing is already gone, so I can’t refresh my memory, but they’d made it sound more like a customer service role. The grammar was a bit of a red flag, but I thought it could have been second language issues, so let’s see where this goes. Thanks for wasting my time, guys! And apparently the time of around sixty other people if Indeed is accurate about that. I can still report your job posting even though it’s gone, though, so that makes me feel a little better.

  • tamiya_tt02
    1 year ago

    Also using Sync. I had to open the post, then click on the image for it to download and be less pixelated. Clicking on the image from the main feed only loads the low resolution image.

    • dlok
      1 year ago

      Youre right when I revisited through this reply notification I can read it clearly. Thanks