In a shocking, horrifying incident at Shawnee Mission East High School, a Black student was hospitalized after being attacked by a white male student. Despite being the victim, she faces suspension in a case highlighting systemic racism and administrative negligence.

  • @[email protected]
    91 year ago

    What is the reasonable reaction if someone is calling black people ‘slaves’, according to you?

    • @Cypher
      1 year ago

      What’s a reasonable reaction when you’re loudly (and wrongly) accused of making such statements while being recorded and stood over by a person twice your size?

      What’s reasonable when someone does that to your friend and then uses fighting words as you’re walking away?

      Go try that outside any pub anywhere in the world and get your teeth knocked out for your trouble.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        So you aren’t even willing to recognize the possibility that the other kids were being genuinely racist, got it, no need to waste my time with you.

        • @Cypher
          -71 year ago

          Oh they were accused so they’re definitely guilty!

          Starting a fight in a hallway was obviously the best way to handle this. You are clearly the genius we need to solve racism in schools.

          If anyone is accused of racism you get out your phones and then publicly lynch the person.

          It was so simple all along!