Indian police arrested seven students in the Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) region under anti-terror laws for allegedly celebrating Australia's victory over India in the men's Cricket World Cup final earlier this month, police said on Tuesday.
It’s all cyclical, nationalism and ethocentricity rise get pushed back routinely which leads to leftwards general overcorrection every time. I hate to say it but it’s a good thing, shitty that that’s the way we deal with things but we almost always end up better for it afterwards.
It’s all cyclical, nationalism and ethocentricity rise get pushed back routinely which leads to leftwards general overcorrection every time. I hate to say it but it’s a good thing, shitty that that’s the way we deal with things but we almost always end up better for it afterwards.
We do, right up until we don’t again and the whole stupid cycle repeats.
I dunno I think in general through history we’ve moved farther left than right it’s just the swings right paint a bolder picture.