• @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    HOTS is the only current Blizz game worth playing but it is really good. I think people play that then think their other games must be good quality

    • @Defaced
      21 year ago

      HotS good?! Come on now, it’s not even close to the quality of dota 2 or even LoL and I really don’t like LoL. Even Smite is better than HotS. If I were judging the quality of blizzard games by HotS, then I would be really worried about my taste in games.

      Skins are recolors of garbage quality, heroes are copy/paste from other games, the maps while fun really don’t lend themselves to the gameplay and only promote a rush to the objective instead of any strategy, it’s also damn near impossible to keep track of your own character in team fights due to the shit decision to shower the screen with effects that all look the same, and only recently did they receive a patch after two years now that their other games are tanking.

      I’m sorry but there’s a reason they dropped it, game is not good compared to the competition and it took too long to be “decent”.

      • WhoisJohnGalt
        11 year ago

        I completely agree with you. I played HOTS for a bit and the quality was just not there, especially compared to other MOBAs.

        I will say that I like some of the hero ideas though, but the game as a whole is not very good.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Lol, you must not be very good at mobas to hold that opinion

        HOTS lack of appeal is because it’s too hard

        • @Defaced
          41 year ago

          Too hard?! You can’t be that stupid…if anything HotS is too easy. I played a match with a friend as chogall, it was the most boring shit I’ve ever played, I just spammed 2 attacks and dashed the entire match, thrall was just as bad playing solo. I want to know what kind of copium you’re huffing because this comment reeks of it.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            You’re confusing difficulty of the game with skill level of opponents

            How many maps does HOTS have? What about the competition? If you’re learning it is much easier to learn 1 thing than many

            What about micro? DOTA and LoL are low micro games because you can insta-die

            Macro? In LoL you go to lanes and farm then you go mid and fight over dragon/baron. Whoever has teleport clears out the sidelanes. In HOTS minion control is paramount because you are getting gold (xp) for your whole team/denying it for their whole team

            • @Defaced
              21 year ago

              You sound like every other blizzard fanboy taking in that copium. There are better games out there, if you like HotS good for you, but don’t go around talking about how difficult it is when half the roster only has roughly 2-3 abilities and no items in the game to make any real strategy viable.

              • @[email protected]
                1 year ago

                What do you mean 2-3 abilities?

                I can’t think of anyone with less than 5

                Also the no item thing leads to more strategy not less so I’m curious why you think the opposite

                Edit: TLV has less than 5 but you are 3 people

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      I enjoy the base game of HOTS. Then again I only played a bit of League and I didn’t care for the last hit money thing and figuring out what books to level.

      I enjoyed the simplification/streamlining of HOTS where you level as a team and select your upgrades. Games then seem to take 20 to 30 minutes? League can sometimes stretch out quite some time, I found (once again, not as much experience with it)

      I think they screwed up on the monetization of HOTS though and it really is a shame it didn’t last. Still my favourite MOBA but it seems no one on this thread agrees and they could be right. I don’t play other MOBAs, but I love HOTS.

      I actually came close to buying D4 this Black Friday but my friends all reminded me about the recent changes and the reviews and that it’s no longer the regular Blizzard I once loved. I think they were all saying Path of Exile is way better.