Alberta Premier Danielle Smith confirmed the her plan to invoke the Sovereignty Act on Your Province Your Premier on Saturday.

  • @Oderus
    -21 year ago

    There you go… you made an assumption from ignorance which makes your message suspect at best. What else are you willing to assume? How Danielle Smith of you.

    What’s funny is that while you’re arguing about me making a mistake about her title you’re ignoring the fact that I pointed out, Smith got more than 50% of the popular vote in a very recent election and she’s much closer to the current Republicans than from the historic progressive conservatives of both Canada’s and Alberta’s past.

    You think that’s funny? What exactly is funny about that? Or do you mean something other than ‘funny’ because you know, ‘ESL is my excuse ‘du jour’?’

    I’m looking forward to your next excuse for your poor behaviour.

    • @[email protected]
      -11 year ago

      No, I absolutely meant funny, you’re trying to derail the discussion by insulting me for something that is simply an honest mistake. What’s funny to me is that the only person that looks like a Smith supporter here is you because it seems like you don’t want to talk about the situation of politics in Alberta so you would rather try to discredit me instead.

      • @Oderus
        -21 year ago

        Keep assuming from nothing. Clearly you think it’s working for you.

          • @Oderus
            -21 year ago

            Was I arguing against EV’s? Really?

            • @[email protected]
              -11 year ago

              They aren't even close to perfect because an **EV puts out 2x more CO2 during the manufacturing process and it takes A LOT of driving to make up the difference**. Still better than nothing but EV's will not work for me as I barely drive and 'driving more' isn't a solution, it's more of a problem.

              A lie right out of the anti EV movement handbook.

              Yes, you were.

              • @Oderus
                -21 year ago

                You think that’s me arguing against EV’s? Jesus dude, grow a brain.

                I simply said EV’s are more polluting from the factory and driving more to break even isn’t a solution.

                I know English is your second language but are you really going to argue with someone who’s first language is English?

                Nothing I said was a lie and I’m not arguing against EV’s, even if a keyboard warrior like you says so.

                Try again smooth brain.

                • @[email protected]
                  -11 year ago

                  “Nothing I said is a lie” he said right after being shown a quote of him lying.

                  Yeah… So I’ll just send you off to the block list now because clearly you’re just unable to admit you might have been wrong and having a discussion with people like you just makes everyone a bit more stupid.

                  • @Oderus
                    -11 year ago

                    Just because you say I’m lying doesn’t mean I’m lying. You’re such an idiot.