Glued to Glastonbury? Binged all episodes of Sharpe?

Let us know what you’ve been watching this week, and what we should get into.

  • @sideoneOPM
    52 years ago

    Finally finished Season Three of Agents of SHIELD, it was pretty good - even though there are so many episodes I don’t think there are too many non-events in it.

    Also finished the second series of Oh Cook! on Prime. Everything James May does is brilliant.

    We tried Puzzling on C5 with Lucy Worsley. It’s… not good. It feels like a Poundland Only Connect, with Lucy specifically trying to be VCM. It especially doesn’t work when in Only Connect VCM “knows” all the answers whereas LW has to “ask the computer”. It feels less natural.

    • ScottyB
      32 years ago

      God, by the time I got to the end of AofShield I was so done with it. they spun it around so many times with time loops, space battles, trying to work the fact that “the snap” happened into the universe. God there was so much to remember. Remember all the mutants? The Darkhold?

      I was glad to be done with it, even if I can look back and say for the most part while I was watching it, I was having fun.

      • OmniGlitcher
        12 years ago

        I think I only watched until the end of Season 5. I’d clocked out of it largely by that point. I applaud their attempts to keep it in tune with the rest of the cinematic universe, but it ruined a lot of the plot they had going. Something I think the big Avengers movies did with a lot of the regular character movies.

        The whole issue regarding Inhumans being delayed and ultimately ending up being released later badly also doesn’t help, considering AoS was trying to lead in to it with their mutants.

    • DannySpud
      22 years ago

      Puzzling was so bad. I couldn’t finish one episode and I love quiz shows like that. The flow was terrible. I think they must be cutting out a lot of thinking time, they’d just give you the question and immediately cut to the team answering it without giving you any time to think about it yourself.

      Only Connect is good because they keep all that discussion and thinking time in and let you listen in. So maybe you don’t know that the random name was a cardinal, but you hear them mention it and you know the next guy is a giant and suddenly you’re shouting “American Football teams” at the TV.