Hello World,

This week’s Community Spotlights are:

LW Community: Traditional Art ([email protected]) - From dabblers to masters, obscure to popular and ancient to futuristic, this is an inclusive community dedicated to showcasing all types of art by all kinds of artists, as long as they’re made in a traditional medium

Fediverse Community: Stick ([email protected]) - A place for enthusiasts of sticks of all shapes and sizes. We all love a good stick! Is it a walking stick?

How to submit a community you would like to see spotlighted

Comment on any Weekly Spotlight post or suggest a community on our Discord server in the community-spotlight channel. You can also send a message to the Community Team with your suggestions.

  • @canthidium
    610 months ago

    Hmm, not sure. There’s 2 links there, a full https:// address and [email protected] link which should work on all platforms. I don’t have any iOS devices to test Memmy but maybe someone can help on [email protected].