I hate pubs. I hate bars. All the people, loud music and other overstimulations make my brain go crazy… but most of my friends want to go to bars. Its seems like they are enjoying themselves… any tips to either get better att handeling sutch situations in fututure so i wont be as much of a antisosial outsider?


  • @oaschbeidl
    22 years ago

    High fidelity ear plugs help. Also I gotta sit with my back towards a wall, ideally in a corner. Some bars have great acoustics, so the noise from the other tables gets scrambled into a soft background murmur, so try to find those and suggest them over ones with terrible acoustics if you are involved in the decision making process. Also Alcohol helps mute the sensory overstimulation, but I’m not suggesting leaning into that too much as it’s obviously not healthy and can lead to bad long term habits.

    • Ryan
      12 years ago

      In my case, it was more than just audio, but point well taken. Alcohol is a pretty hard no for me because of my epilepsy medication. Thankfully, my friends & family all understand & account for my issues with bars, so we simply go elsewhere.