Pretty much the title. I’ve been watching more realistic super hero shows like The Boys and Invincible. The reoccurring themes is that with great power comes great immorality.

I think it’s easy for us normies to respect other people and their property because there are clear consequences for violating social norms. But what would the average person do if they had super powers?

  • @paddirn
    410 months ago

    It would depend on how the power actually functioned, but my descent into time-stopping degeneracy would probably happen in stages. I would take care of money first, doing whatever to get my house paid off and. Basic needs taken care of for life. Not really sure the quickest and/or easiest way, but robbing a bank maybe? Though that seems a bit too out there for me. Maybe money doesn’t even matter when you can freeze time, you can just grab whatever you want anyways, apart from paying your rent/mortgage. I’d still work my job, but my weekends would probably last awhile. Hell, I’d probably take a day off in between each day. Probably the biggest danger with time-stopping is that I’d prematurely age from all the extra time I’d be taking off (assuming I aged normally while time was still).