(figured I’d ‘do my part’ and make my first Lemmy post…!)
I love this thing too much to part with, but I’m gonna have to be honest: I barely use it. More often or not I retro-game on my Steam Deck…slightly more portable!
Has anyone else built their own units for retro-gaming though?
I’ve always wanted to but it seems dauntingly expensive and tricky to do. Any tips?
Things are certainly pricier these days, that’s for sure. Depending on what country you’re in you might be able to find a decent arcade supplier for the sticks/buttons – and even the cabinet itself (I used Arcade World UK.
For the actual system itself there’s plenty of options these days, and a Raspberry Pi is more than capable to power most emulators. For the wiring of sticks/buttons, YouTube has a good chunk of resources.
Given cost, it might to wise to start with the RPi set-up, and if you’re happy with how that works, look into getting the arcade ‘shell’ for it :)