Hello! I have changed a few websites appearance with the userContent.css, but I’d like this to only apply to normal browsing, and not to private browsing. the UserChrome instead I’d like to be applied for both normal and private browsing. Is this possible? searching the web didn’t give me any useful result… thanks in advance!

    • tubbaduOP
      11 year ago

      my userContent.css file is a bunch of

      @-moz-document domain("example.com"){
        body {
          color: red !important;

      for each website I customized. however, this applies both to normal and private browsing, and I’d like it to apply only to normal browsing

      • @MrOtherGuy
        21 year ago

        I don’t think it’s possible. It would require some privileged @media query or something similar. Or, potentially using media query to match a feature that isn’t available on private-browsing mode. There could be something like that, but I don’t know one.

        • tubbaduOP
          11 year ago

          thanks for the answer! I’d like to disable it because if sometimes some website interface fucks things up, I can check if it’s my fault or not, so visiting the site in private mode without my css would quickly show me who’s fault

          • @MrOtherGuy
            1 year ago

            Hmm. I don’t have a good solution for that. It would be trivial using an extension like Stylus though, just don’t allow it to run in PB mode.

            I suppose you could do all your @-moz-document matching with regexp and then using a bookmarklet to add some “mark” to the document url. Then you wouldn’t need to use PB-mode at all.

            So, a bookmarklet like this, when clicked, adds/removes a#pbm suffix to the current tab and loads that address to a new tab:

            javascript:void ((loc)=>window.open(loc.endsWith("#pbm")?loc.slice(0,-4):loc+"#pbm"))(document.location.href)

            Then in you userContent.css you would write your document matching like this (example is for en.wikipedia.org):

            @-moz-document regexp(".*en\.wikipedia\.org.*(?<!#pbm)$"){
              body{ color: red !important; }

            That should work but honestly if you need this then I would rather just use extension like Stylus or open those links in separate profiles even.

            • tubbaduOP
              1 year ago

              @-moz-document regexp(".*en\.wikipedia\.org.*(?<!#pbm)$"){ body{ color: red !important; }

              this is really cool! I wouldn’t even need a bookmarklet, I can just manually add it whenever I wish to remove the css

              it’s not what I was looking for, but it’s a great compromise. Thank you very much!