I’ll get this out of the way right now, I’m a progressive socialist and Kissinger’s legacy in the world is one of reactionary repression and suffering. I find pretty much everything he stood for to be wrongheaded and harmful to society.

That said, celebrating someone dying in the way that’s happening now shows disrespect to human life and an utter lack of humanity. I understand the motivation, but it should be fought against by remembering that no one is ever just one thing, everyone is a mix of good and bad, and we certainly shouldn’t give in to the desire to rejoice at another’s death, no matter what we think of them.

  • Maeve
    21 year ago

    They could have alleviate the abject poverty of thousands and still maintained generational wealth. I’ve yet to meet decent billionaires. Maybe they earned it honestly from some accumulated good karma for prior lifetimes of decency.?

    • livus
      1 year ago

      I’m no fan of the people who died in it. I personally don’t celebrate the death of random bad people, even billionaires (who yes I agree, hoard resources by definition). They’re just deaths. Cogs in the machine.

      My point is the magnitude. Kissinger was a monster who went out of his way to deliberately cause and support wars and even genocides.