I was curious about domains and looked for something. The domain was available, but it cost over $1,000,000

What would happen if I clicked “add to cart” and tried to buy it if…

  • I couldn’t afford it
  • I could afford it

Does someone reach out since it’s a big sale? How do they confirm I have the money? Who does the money go to?

Assuming I don’t have the money, at what point would I get blocked? I assume they don’t just process giant purchases the same way as $10 ones

  • Pons_Aelius
    291 year ago

    you can afford it.

    The money is transferred to the registrar and you get to use the domain.

    you can’t afford it.

    The transaction fails as some point. The money is not transferred, you don’t get to use the domain.

    • Tony N
      31 year ago

      You would need to pay the million to the current owner of the domain (the squatter), not the registrar. The owner of the domain would transfer ownership to you and then you would pay the registrar $10-$20 per year.