A security guard who attempted to intervene was also injured in the incident and taken to hospital.

  • Omega
    6810 months ago

    I’m at a total loss. There has been such a concerted effort to paint any resistance to the Gaza genocide as anti-Israel or antisemitic. Its honestly hard to tell if these types of people are totally delusional or if they’re doing it intentionally.

    • Tedrow
      4410 months ago

      It’s 100% intentional because the government and military of Israel want to be viewed as synonymous with Jewish people. Its their justification for calling anti Israel sentiments anti-Semitic.

        • Tedrow
          1010 months ago

          Totally agree. Ethno states are bad and they’re bad for the ethnic group as well.

        • @[email protected]
          810 months ago

          There are plenty of rabbis who describe zionism as being against the torah, because Jews are only supposed to return to Israel during the end-times.

          • stopthatgirl7OP
            1110 months ago

            Which is precisely why the evangelical Christians are so vehemently pro-Israel. They want the end times to come.

            • @SoleInvictus
              1210 months ago

              I want their end times to come too so they can get raptured out. I feel like there’d be an immediate improvement in society.

        • DarkGamer
          -810 months ago

          Wanting a Homeland for the Jews is anti-Semitic? 🤔

          • @ghostdoggtv
            810 months ago

            Wanting a homeland for them (in order to purge them from one’s own country because of one’s own bigotry) is absolutely anti-Semitic.

            Personally, I like having different types of people around and it would suck if Jewish people all moved back to Israel.

            • Uranium3006
              410 months ago

              Theodore hertzel encouraged antisemitism to encourage Jews to move and modern Zionists do too.

            • DarkGamer
              10 months ago

              Wanting a homeland for them (in order to purge them from one’s own country because of one’s own bigotry) is absolutely anti-Semitic.
              Personally, I like having different types of people around and it would suck if Jewish people all moved back to Israel.

              Having a homeland does not imply they have to live there. I’m glad to have them around too, and I’m glad they have an international ally and a place to escape to should pogroms return. They are still frequently scapegoated by the right and are the subject of countless conspiracy theories. It wasn’t long ago they were driven from the Muslim world, and it’s a good thing they had Israel to escape to. In WWII, before Israel existed, they didn’t.

              • @ghostdoggtv
                610 months ago

                Having a homeland does not imply they have to live there

                Not everyone thinks this way. “Go back where you came from” is a rallying cry of racist bigots around the world. Israel is just passing the buck on violence against stateless people.

      • @[email protected]
        710 months ago

        It is possible to hate both the Israeli government and Hamas while simultaneously supporting Jews and Palestinians. This is not a black and white issue. When you cage and oppress people, you make violence inevitable. And so even though I deplore the violence of Hamas, I can’t help but see Israel as bearing a large share is the responsibility as the party who holds all of the non-violent power (and most of the violent power, but that’s beside the point).

    • Uranium3006
      2710 months ago

      Israel is intentionlly misusing the term antisemitism to defend their ethnostate project

      • @voodooattack
        1210 months ago

        That has been their modus operandi for a long time though, and they usually get away with it.

        Equating antisemitism (race) with anti-zionism (ideology) is their favourite strategy.

    • ExtraPartsLeft
      1610 months ago

      I think the people in positions of power are doing it intentionally. Their followers however are delusional.