Light, tasty and simple to make, egg fried rice has long been a beloved dish in China and one of most recognizable icons of Chinese cuisine around the world.

But in recent years, the popular stir-fry has become a highly sensitive subject for China’s online nationalists, especially around the months of October and November.

Emotions are running so high this week that one of the country’s most famous chefs has been forced to apologize – for making a video on how to cook the dish.

“As a chef, I will never make egg fried rice again,” Wang Gang, a celebrity chef with more than 10 million online fans, pledged in a video message on Monday.

Wang’s “solemn apology” attempted to tame a frothing torrent of criticism about the video, which was posted on Chinese social media site Weibo on November 27.

Angry nationalists accused Wang of using the video to mock the death of Mao Zedong’s eldest son, Mao Anying, who was killed in an American air strike during the Korean War on November 25, 1950.

  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    Shark fin… I have no regrets whatsoever eating meat… But shark fin is animal cruelty on a quite high level.

      • @[email protected]
        1310 months ago

        The problem with shark fin as an ingredient is that the fishermen normally catch a shark, cut off the fin and throw it back alive… and it slowly dies in agony.

        If we’re going to kill to eat we could at least try to let the animal suffer as little as possible and use as much of the animal we can.

        • @Tangent5280
          410 months ago

          Why do they keep the sharks alive? I imagine its harder to cut the fins when its alive and thrashing than to kill it first. Whats up with that?

          • @[email protected]
            610 months ago

            If I would write about this topic as I feel about it this would end in extreme hate-speech about the demographics who eat them and those who do those unbelievable deeds. It’s a beyond vile, absolute devoid of any value, twisted & sick industry. Just read the wikipedia entry for shark-finning.

            In addition to causing immeasurable suffering and death to a mindboggling number of sharks, with up to 70-80% reduction within a lot of shark-species, they’re setting the fate of other marine ecosystems too…

            The main task of sharks is to balance out those systems by hunting too numerous species. A Sea-Wolf. Now there’s a constant flow of rotting shark carcasses which will possibly let the wrong species thrive which won’t be regulated anymore. But those 400 million years old species time has come anyway in the very near future because it won’t have anything to regulate anymore.

            Look up what happened in Yellowstone with the reintroduction of the wolf (that was killed off previously in 1930) and the resulting self-regulating system. In the adjacent Montana they shoot up to half of the wolf population and in surrounding states the “game” is coyotes and foxes. With cruel traps like sadistic trappers do. Now they have to mow down super-boar herds with MGs. Instead of finding better ways to co-exist with natures ranger-creatures which are doing a way better job in Yellowstone than hunters.

            It’s the wolfs merit that beavers, foxes, songbirds and willows came back just by regulating elk and deer populations. But in a completely different way than hunters. Disclaimer: I’m from Europe and only read up on that so I may have recited a few things incorrect.

            Don’t wanted to discuss this topic and I don’t expect an answer. Just wanted to vent.

            I can’t answer your question and wikipedia doesn’t as well. I guess it has something to do with speed. Would fit those pieces of walking excrements who run that industry.

          • FeminalPanda
            510 months ago

            Cheaper, they catch them and hang them upside down, cut the fins and drop them back in the ocean. No disposal, and quicker.

            • @Tangent5280
              510 months ago

              That make sense and paints a horrible picture. I imagine the sharks can’t swim without the fin? Just float until it starves to death? Fuck. Ruins my day.

              I’d rather they cut an artery or something before dropping them so it can atleast die quicker.

        • @Sorgan71
          -310 months ago

          its a shark. Who cares?

          • @[email protected]
            110 months ago

            Well, someone who takes time somehow engage in the discussion would be a sign of them caring.

            So I guess the answer to your question is you…