Lemmy Phantom is now Quiblr! Additionally, users can now login, post, comment, and vote on lemmy using a sleek and speedy UI!

I add new functionality all the time so go check it out and let me know what you think!

  • AureliusOP
    17 months ago

    Fixed the text overflow issue with large text on the Quiblr web app. Hope you enjoy!

    • Nusm
      7 months ago

      That works a lot better! Thanks for the great work!

      EDIT: Not to be greedy, but any chance you can add one more text size and go one notch bigger (especially for comments, which have a smaller text size than the post titles)?

      • AureliusOP
        17 months ago


        And not greedy at all. This is the kind of feedback that’s super helpful

    • Nusm
      17 months ago

      Thanks, I’ll give it a go!