• 😈MedicPig🐷BabySaver😈
      207 months ago

      I enjoy spending time with my friends I’ve known for 40+ years. Several of us were out last evening.

      I try hard to focus on my personal “bubble”. I always vote, yet, know I can’t fix the system. I recycle and drive a small 4-cylinder Honda, yet, I know I can’t fix climate change. Knowing I do even the smallest things allows me to try to keep my personal “bubble” closed to endless bullshit.

    • @hperrin
      97 months ago

      What are you talking about?! There’s so much more profit you can generate for the shareholders!!

    • @Farticles
      47 months ago

      But if you end it all now, think of all the debt you’re missing out on!!

    • @kromem
      07 months ago

      Your brain evolved from monkeys.

      Monkeys are perfectly happy doing a task for cucumbers as long as they don’t see a monkey next to them get a grape for the same task, in which case they will throw the cucumber back at researchers in anger.

      Monkeys evolved to be at ease in physical community and stressed when alone.

      We’ve developed a number of things that feed short term reward pathways, but don’t deliver long term fulfillment and satisfaction.

      Honestly if you are feeling this upset about things, spend your days off detached from electronics giving you short term dopamine fixes, stop paying attention to what others do or don’t have or experience, etc. And spend that time physically around other people, even if that means bringing lunch to picnic at a park.

      Focus more on activities that provide longer term rewards for your monkey brain and less on addictive quick fixes & electronics.

      The coming new year is a great time to set goals around this kind of change, and you’ll see a major shift in mood as a result, even if nothing about the world itself changes beyond what aspects of the world you experience.

      • @[email protected]
        27 months ago

        To be precise, we share a common monkey-like ancestor with monkeys, we didn’t evolve from them.

        I’ll show myself out.