With exception of the Mister, all consoles have either been modded or repaired. Bonus, everything is automated through Home Assistant so it will turn on the TV, switch inputs, and turn on the console, all via voiced controlled.

    186 months ago

    that is such a sick way to display gamecubes

      • @TIMMAY
        56 months ago

        where did you get the zelda themed one? Is that custom or was it like a twilight princess cube?

          • @TIMMAY
            46 months ago

            holy moly, that is so badass! My gamecube was my whole world as a kid, I wish I still had it. Im glad that they are well appreciated and properly displayed by some people

            • @v1605OP
              46 months ago

              Nows not a bad time to consider picking one back up if you can find one cheap enough. There’s a new ode in development that will be cheaper than the gcloader and requires no soldering. You can get one that no longer reads discs, through that in there and read games off an SD card (or just emulate, nothing wrong with that) https://docs.flippydrive.com/