Hey, I’m a complete newbie when it comes to 3D printing. I have a chance to pick up this printer second hand, and I was wondering what the community thinks of the product. Would this printer be decent for a beginner? Thanks!

  • @redpenOP
    22 years ago

    Thanks for the in-depth and comprehensive comment. To be honest, I don’t really understand a lot of it, but I do plan to be a hobbyist, so I gather that it may be the right fit for me.

    • @the16bitgamer
      32 years ago

      If you are a Hobbiest then keep this in mind. When buying a new Tool, you buy a cheap one. Since if you don’t use it, you didn’t waste your money on it. If you do use it, then you will learn from it and have a better understanding on what better tool you’ll need.

      If the Ender is a good price for you, then it’s the right printer (I paid more for my first printer a Monoprice Select Mini and I got less).

      Some good resources that will help you out.

      Makers Muse: 3D Printing YouTube channel, very easy to understand videos with basic tutorials for troubleshooting the printer, prints and guides for how to make models yourself.

      Thomas Sanladerer: Another 3D Printing YouTuber, more advance tutorials but still goes over the basics. Good reviews on printers