What is everyone’s daily driver right now?

I’m currently rocking a pixel 6a but can’t shake an itching desire for an s23

  • Bako Bitz
    22 years ago

    Had a OnePlus 7 Pro for 4 years and just switched it out for a Pixel 7 Pro last week. A lot of things to like on the pixel, but the experience is definitely tinged with regret. The OnePlus 7 Pro is such a great device, I had never kept a phone more than 18 months before and that one I kept 4 years and still felt it was fine, I just wanted better photography and an AOD.

    The biggest surprise with the pixel is how locked down it is. I assumed getting a Google phone would mean it was as open as possible, but it’s probably the least customizable Android phone I’ve had. Maybe I should have gotten an S23 ultra, but I hate all that Samsung crap that they put on those phones and don’t let you take off.

    • unker73
      2 years ago

      I’m not one for photography so not too bothered by the latest and greatest.

      Op7p has the whole screen though and think that’s why many choise to stick with it and run roms to extend it too

      Pixel line want to go the Apple way (closed?) but lost out to Samsung and others UI when they didn’t pay attention to hardware so many years back when they could, I feel.

      Beauty of Android is one can make any device feel like another one. Just have to know where to look.