And remember… it’s not a race!

  • @[email protected]
    1510 months ago

    I think this is a generational question. I’m anal about tabs being left open like a light in the house being on

    • squiblet
      310 months ago

      My ex and I were the same age and totally different on this. I open tabs, close them, don’t leave any open long term. She’d have Safari open with dozens or hundreds as far as I could tell. But I operate like an older millennial and she has the sensibilities of a boomer - TV on 18 hours a day, etc

      • TheMurphy
        410 months ago

        TV on 18 hours a day, etc

        Damn, this frames boomer mentality perfectly.

        • squiblet
          210 months ago

          It particularly drives me insane. I’ve known people of that age to act super worried if they go somewhere and there’s not a TV they can have on. My ex would call it ‘background noise’ which is exactly what I don’t want… annoying and repetitive commercials, concerning and distracting news broadcasts, fictional people engaged in trauma - why not some music? or silence? I’ve also wondered, what’s the psychology of having dialogue playing on a loudspeaker all day and just tuning it out? I pointed out to her that no wonder she seemed to have a hard time listening to me in conversation when she has trained herself to hear people talking all day and not pay any attention to what they’re saying. Leaving TVs on when nobody is watching them seems really improper to me too.

    • Otter
      310 months ago

      Which generation leaves them open/closed?

      I haven’t noticed a pattern, but I also haven’t really explored

      • @frickineh
        410 months ago

        Both of my parents are/were notorious for leaving roughly 655489357 tabs open at a time. I get stressed if I have more than a couple at a time. We’re boomers/a millennial, respectively. But it could also be a result of my severe anxiety. Who knows?

        • Otter
          210 months ago


          I think my whole family uses few tabs. For me, once I can’t read the titles easily, I start splitting them into separate windows and virtual desktops. Once I finish a task associated with a window I close it

          It’s so nice when I can restart the browser clean

    • @OhmsLawn
      10 months ago

      If I’m not actively using a tab, I’ll close it, unless I’m working on a longer term project. Right now I’m planning a fairly long trip to South America, so I’ve had several travel sites up for multiple weeks.

      Edit: am X/millennial cusp.