• @_danny
    10 months ago

    I don’t see how what I said is contrary to what you said. We both agree that when a person with gender dysphoria experiences great discomfort and distress when forced to present a gender other than their chosen gender, and when presenting as their chosen gender they feel happier. Much like how a cis person would feel great discomfort and distress if they were forced to present as a gender other than their birth gender, but generally those feelings are stronger in non-cis people.

    • Cogency
      10 months ago

      You are being scientifically incorrect. Calling something a trans person does a delusion disorder is derogatory and is not a medically recognized diagnosis in that case.

      • @_danny
        010 months ago

        You misunderstood what I said. I agree that a delusion disorder is a completely different thing from gender dysphoria, and as such they can occur separately or simultaneously.

        A person who is experiencing a delusion disorder should not be encouraged to transition without a medical professional ensuring the delusion disorder is not the cause of the dysphoria. That doesn’t mean that all people who are experiencing gender dysphoria are also experiencing a delusion disorder.

        • Cogency
          10 months ago

          But there would be no alternative delusion disorder to diagnose a trans person with, in that case it would be a symptom of gender dysphoria and thus something also alleviated by transition. There is no alternative diagnosis to being transgender called a delusion disorder.

          • @_danny
            010 months ago

            Again, you’re not understanding me. A person can have ADHD and autism. They can present with similar symptoms but that doesn’t mean that having one means you have the other or that having one “overrides” the other.

            Gender dysphoria and delusion disorder are two independent conditions which can present with similar symptoms, but that doesn’t mean gender dysphoria is a delusion. Belief that you are a biological female capable of childbirth when you were born a male is a delusion. A medical professional would need to determine if that delusion is part of a condition which could be temporary, or if it is part of a permanent condition.

            • Cogency
              10 months ago

              That would be called a co-morbidiity and again there is no medically recognized term for delusion disorder as related to transgender people. You are pulling it out of your ass, and its a derogatory term to bring up with trans people. Also a straw-man fallacy in that it’s a hypothetical person that no trans person is. My guess is you just like throwing the term delusion out there in association with transgender to try to spread transphobic language.

                • Cogency
                  10 months ago

                  That link supports all of my statements. Tell me exactly where it describes delusion as a co-morbidity with being transgender.

                  Also anecdotal evidence is notoriously unscientific especially accepting any kind of diagnostic understanding from you, with how clearly unfamiliar you are with the current scientific and medical concensus on being trans. Or how psychology lists known co-morbidities for every diagnosis.