
  • @[email protected]
    510 months ago

    I mean, yeah. We should ask those things of ourselves. I’m better about it in person. You fucks, tho? Nah. Gimme your stances. Explain what I’m missing. I’ve learned so much from asking questions, and they’re usually things I can use to reach other people. I try to be respectful of things that aren’t just ideological.

    This isn’t just social shit. When I’m learning new software, or a process, or pretty much anything I can’t learn from rote memorization. I have to understand why. That’s how things fit in my head. When I meet people that I can work with, that’s great. For those that want to just tell me something without explanation I prefer to remove myself from the conversation.

    • @[email protected]
      510 months ago

      That’s fair. This is all contextual and case by case blah blah etc. If you’re doing it genuinely and with good will towards the person you’re asking, then that goes a long way.