I’ve been a software engineer for 10 years now but want to work with Linux more in a professional setting (not to mention the number of layoffs in the the dev industry has me thinking a backup plan might be a good idea). I have been using Linux exclusively on my personal machine for about 15 years now so I’m not too worried about passing the LFCS but I’m wondering of its worth it. What kind of job opportunities would it open for me? Should I focus more on dev ops? Security? Straight SysAdmin?

  • @mcepl
    810 months ago

    It cheaper alternative it RHCE. It should be able to persuade a potential employer that when they put you next to a Linuxbox the result most likely won’t be an explosion. It did work for me and I got my first IT job with it, paradoxically with Red Hat. While being there I got also RHCE (both certificates are long expired now) and it was a way more practical and thorough. Whereas LFCS is much more wide (including LDAP and similar exotics if I remeber correctly), RHCE is much more deep.

    As usual, you get what you pay for.