Render anything inline. Save sessions and history. Powered by open web standards.

I’m trying it, and it does looks nice.

    • Kawawete
      65 months ago

      We are used to badly optimized webapps but there’s some that definitely manage to be snappy wothout taking too much ressources

      • @merthyr1831
        25 months ago

        Not that I dont dislike electron anyway, but I’d hazard a guess that most of the jank we see in electron apps is more to do with javascript and overengineered web UI frameworks than the browser runtime. If it runs like shit in a browser then it wont be much better ported to electron.

    • Edu4rdSHLOP
      -115 months ago

      Kinda yes, sadly. However, at least they offer some reasoning for it like AI integration with the terminal.

      • velox_vulnus
        5 months ago

        Do you really need “AI”, when a simple autocomplete/LSP plugin does wonders?

        Also, you have to be online for that. Uninterrupted electricity and internet is still a privilege.