• @CheeseChief
      110 months ago

      Ok, the problem I see is that Turtle, Snake, Owl, etc. seem to be only worried about being on the “winning” side regardless if the candidate is against their values. They’ve also been victims of Political Propaganda (Negative ads). Each time they vote for the Lesser of Two Evils they are giving conceding a little more and more each time. Get rid of Gerrymandering and replace it with Ranked Choice Voting to eliminate the “Spoiler Effect.” Vote with you conscious and not your desire to Win.

      • kpw
        210 months ago

        Yes, IF it is a Ranked Choice election great idea to for the party you most align with. If it’s a first past the post election, it’s really bad idea (unless you align most with a party that can win).

      • @DrZoidbergYes
        110 months ago

        100% agree that ranked voting/proportional representation is a much better option. The problem with FPTP is you have to keep picking the lesser evil or the greater evil wins. It’s a bad system, I’m lucky in a country that doesn’t use FPTP

        • @CheeseChief
          110 months ago

          Incorrect, stop worrying about being on the winning side. Vote with your values. Then if it all burns down you can take solace in the fact you voted correctly according to you. Help educate others on voting for a candidate who will get Government out of your house and wallet, Libertarian candidate. Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil. The only way out is to vote differently. Get enough people to vote differently and change will come. Voters have been brainwashed into thinking there are only two options.

          • @DrZoidbergYes
            110 months ago

            Libertarian?! Good luck with that. You know what, go ahead. Vote for a third party, I just not sure how you’ll get to a polling station without using the public funded road system, oh well

            • @CheeseChief
              110 months ago

              Nice, I love the “Who will build the roads?” argument.

              • @DrZoidbergYes
                110 months ago

                So who will build the roads? Are all the libertarians going to form a collective? How would this work?

                • @CheeseChief
                  110 months ago

                  People will pay for what they want and I’m not under the assumption that we will ever have zero taxes for public needs. I believe we need to reel in Governmental power and eliminate a lot of the “government funded” programs.

                  • @DrZoidbergYes
                    110 months ago

                    So you do want government, or do you want a system where every single road is tolled? How would this work? Do you want a tracker in your car that monitors how far you drive so you can be billed appropriately or toll boths every mile? Are you off the opinion that would somehow be more efficient?