• @SulaymanF
    17 months ago

    So? Judge millions of people by the actions of a politician?

    There’s a Christian politician on west coast who proposed a bill giving death penalty for anyone who curses their parents, because the Old Testament said it. Should we judge all Christians by that guy? Absolutely not. Stop trying to stereotype.

    • @drhugsymcfur
      -17 months ago

      Sorry, I think you misunderstood my intent.

      Per you, “That’s false and offensive stereotyping.” “Stop trying to make stuff up.”

      You accused /u/paddirn of lying and other worse things. I was just trying to point out that they were referencing a specific event that has happened.

      I didn’t say anything about judging all Muslims based on the actions of this one city council.

      • @SulaymanF
        07 months ago

        Paddirn is specifically stating that American Muslims are all like that city council and that you can’t trust them on that basis. That’s idiotic, and still false based on public opinion polling. My point stands that he or she is trying to make a false narrative to stir up bigotry.