Donald Trump has said that he will not become a dictator if he becomes US president again except “on day one”, after warnings from Democrats and some Republicans that the US was in danger of becoming an autocracy if he wins the 2024 election. Fuck, well at least he’s honest on this statement

  • @masquenox
    810 months ago

    Riiight… so what has happened to make the Great Orange Hope magically more competent at fascism than he was during his first stint at the Waffle House?

    His best trick (so far) was to sicc a white lynch mob on the capitol that was so incompetent it only managed to lynch some of their fascist besties (ie, police).

    Trump is more dangerous outside the Waffle House than he is inside it - all the traction the fascists got out of Trump essentially ended when he became SCROTUS.

    Trump doesn’t want to be the head honcho - he wants a mass of foaming MAGA hive-mind stroking his ego while he rants at them from a podium - and it’s much easier to achieve that while he is running for pres than actually being the pres. That is when Trump is at his most dangerous.

    And, of course, liberals will do nothing to stop all this except to try and get their “good cop” into the Waffle House… but they will be sure to heckle antifa and BLM from the sidelines when these movements do the actual necessary work of physically confronting the white supremacists and their fascist besties (ie, the police) in the streets.

    • @orrk
      410 months ago

      the answer is more republican backing, the Republican Party has purged its self of a lot of its internal opposition

    • @[email protected]
      410 months ago

      It’s exponentially easier to be a fascist dictator than a conscientious democratic leader. One gives you ultimate power and authority, the other forces you into meetings where you have to weigh the pros and cons of policy and how the economy will perform on an international scale.

      • @masquenox
        110 months ago

        It’s exponentially easier to be a fascist dictator than a conscientious democratic leader.

        I wouldn’t know… I’ve never been either. I do have experience being subject to the former, but not the latter.